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Public Requests for Proposals (RFP)

Explore SRP’s selection of publicly posted RFPs to discover new partnerships and projects.

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    2025 All-Source RFP

    To meet the growing power demands of the Phoenix metropolitan area, SRP issued a 2025 All-Source Request for Proposals (RFP) on February 24. The RFP seeks competitive proposals for resources that can provide at least 600 megawatts (MW) of summer capacity by the summer of 2031 and an additional 500 MW of capacity by the summer of 2032. SRP is also seeking information on the earliest date that projects can be online, recognizing the interest and potential for large customer growth. More information can be found in the attached documents and press release.

    Please follow the instructions below on how to register for a supplier account.

    Please complete registration in one sitting. If the page is idle for more than 10 minutes, you will not be able to finish registration and will have to start over.

    You are only required to fill out fields marked by a red asterisk. Any fields that do not have a red asterisk can be left blank.

    1. Please click the following link: https://www.poweradvocate.com/publicRegister.do?companyKey=qoKwE38eNC8%3DOpen new site.
    2. Follow the prompts, making sure to register as a SUPPLIER under the right company name.
    3. Within the Company Selection section, choose the Company Name that is an exact match or that most closely matches your company name. (The point is to register under your company’s existing Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain name if there is one.)
    4. When you have completed registration, you should have an active account and can log in to your new account here: https://www.poweradvocate.com/login.jspOpen new site.

    Other important things to know

    There are only a small handful of bid events on Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain that are public. These public bids can be found on the "Public Events" panel. You can click the key icon next to the listed public bid event to request access to it. However, you will not be able to access the bid event until the Buyer Team has approved your request for access.

    The majority of bid events on Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain are private, invite-only events. In order to see or access these events, your specific Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain account must be invited directly by the client. Only the accounts explicitly invited from your company can see the bid event. In other words, just because your company has been invited to the bid event does NOT mean that all users under your company can view it.

    Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain Support is not involved in running any bids on the platform and cannot add any accounts to a private bid event without the written consent of the Bid Event Coordinator (BEC).

    However, you can email Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain Support (support@poweradvocate.com) to request to be added to a bid event. You must provide the name of the company hosting the bid event, the bid event number and/or the bid event title. Wood Mackenzie Supply Chain Support will then forward your request for access to the BEC. Please note that the BEC can either approve or deny your request for access.

    The best way to be invited to bid events is to network directly with our clients so they become familiar with your company and your capabilities.

    If you have any questions or difficulties, please feel free to reach out again.

    Additional resources

    SRP purchasing process

    The majority of SRP bidding opportunities are subject to a closed bidding process. These closed bidding opportunities are not posted on this site nor made public.

    Interested in becoming an SRP supplier?

    We’re always looking for new diverse business partners. Prospective suppliers can register hereOpen new site..

    Want to know what it’s like to do business with us? Learn more about SRP’s purchasing services and process.