Learn about the public pricing process
SRP's Board of Directors evaluates prices as needed through a public pricing process. See how we make decisions in the best interest of our customers, the environment and the communities we serve.
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How SRP establishes electric prices
SRP is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, and our price process is not governed by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Our publicly elected Board of Directors has the authority to establish electric prices.
The Board reviews and decides on any proposed changes to SRP's price plans after providing notice to customers and offering them the opportunity to provide their feedback.
How the Board decides on prices
These are the pricing principles the Board follows when making pricing decisions:
Cost relation: Prices need to reflect the cost of service.
Sufficiency: Prices need to maintain SRP's financial health.
Gradualism: Changes should be evolutionary, not revolutionary (so as to avoid large price adjustments).
Equity: Customers should pay their share of the costs we incur on their behalf.
Choice: Pricing options should be provided to help customers manage their energy costs.
How we’re keeping prices low
SRP is a community-based, nonprofit utility. That means we make decisions based on what’s best for our customers, the environment and the communities we serve. The revenues we receive through the sale of electricity are reinvested into the electric grid, which helps us keep our prices among the lowest in the Southwest.
At SRP, we do our part to control costs, which helps us keep prices down for our customers. As financial market opportunities arise, we refinance debt at lower interest rates to lower overall interest expenses. We make capital investment decisions on key assets, like generating stations, which results in lower costs. At the same time, we’re planning for future energy needs and working toward a more sustainable energy mix. We also work hard to operate and maintain the electric grid as cost-effectively and reliably as possible.
We offer a variety of price plans so you can choose the one that best fits your budget and lifestyle. Compare price plans here.
Find more ways to save
SRP offers a variety of rebates on energy-efficient appliances and equipment, such as lighting, smart thermostats, cooling systems, insulation, shade screens and more. Find energy-saving advice and rebate information for residential customers and business customers.
You can also save instantly on water- and energy-saving products for your home by shopping online at SRP Marketplace.