SRP trash box request guidelines
SRP trash boxes are self-assembled cardboard boxes accompanied by two plastic liners per box. Boxes are provided as a convenience to central Arizona nonprofit charity organizations or events supporting them.
On this page:
The trash boxes are 3 by 4.5 feet flat and come in bundles of 15 (unless the order is less than 15). The bundles are 9 inches high. Trash-filled liners should be disposed of in regular trash receptacles.
To expedite your request, please review the following guidelines prior to completing the online form
Submit the request at least seven days prior to an event. No exceptions.
Donations are intended for events being held for or by nonprofit charity organizations within the SRP service territory. SRP reserves the right to determine if an event or organization qualifies.
Trash boxes are for special community events only. We do not supply trash boxes for recycling programs. If you have a need that is not related to an event, please contact your local waste management facility to inquire about their options.
These boxes are not intended as collection boxes for various Valley wide clothing drives, food drives, book drives, etc.
Organizations are not allowed to cover logos on the trash boxes with other branding.
SRP will determine the quantity of trash boxes to be supplied based upon the number of participants expected to attend an event.
Trash box lids marked for recyclable materials are also available and may be requested through the online form.
Upon approval of your request, you will receive an email with directions for picking up your trash boxes.
SRP trash box order form
Please use this form to request SRP trash boxes for your event. We will review your request and will confirm your order via e-mail if your event fits our criteria.
All fields requried.
For questions, email trashbox@srpnet.com.