Support for managing your business account
We’re here to support your business. Learn what our Strategic Energy Managers (SEMs) can do for you and browse tips on reading your bill.
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Help managing your energy
Utility costs can be a big expense, and we’re committed to helping your business succeed. That’s why we pair each business with a Strategic Energy Manager to serve as your dedicated point of contact for all SRP-related energy needs. This includes helping you explore options for conserving energy and saving on your commercial electricity bill.
Your Strategic Energy Manager is here to:
- Learn your business intimately to ensure you’re on the right energy plan for your needs.
- Advocate for your business when SRP makes important decisions that could impact your operations and budget.
- Make you aware of products, programs and flexible pricing plans that may help you save energy and lower your electric bill.
- Evaluate options for improving energy efficiency and assess whether you would qualify for SRP energy efficiency and electrification rebates. Rebates are available for a variety of efficiency upgrades, including lighting, HVAC, refrigeration systems, smart thermostats, electric vehicle charging stations and more.
Your SEM can also help with:
- Site visits
- Account audits
- Facility energy audits and custom energy reports
- Power quality assessments and reliability consultations
- Billing options and payment support
- Outage preparedness and support
Find your SEM’s name and contact information at the top of your commercial electric bill.
Check out the SRP Business Resource Guide.
Reading your bill
Your electric bill has been updated with easier-to-read features. The new look includes full-color energy history graphs and a blue box around the key information in the upper right corner.
Your bill still reflects your business’s pricing plan, usage history and a summary of all fees and taxes. Important messages or updates to your business account are also included on your bill.
For your convenience, your Strategic Energy Manager’s contact information is located at the top of your bill.

If you have questions, please call or email your Energy Manager listed here.

This section includes your service period in addition to the due date, the amount you currently owe and your account number. You can keep the top part of the bill for your records.

The charges for the current month, including discounts, previous charges, payments and current balance due are listed here. Local and state taxes are also shown.

This section provides you with more information about your current bill, your account and SRP options and programs that can benefit you. If you participate in a Time-of-Day plan your savings will be displayed here.

The bill stub shows the amount due and due date in an easy to read format. The bill stub should accompany your payment if you mail it. You can also use the information on your bill stub to pay your bill in cash at a retail location.

This section lists the total energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh) used for the billing period and the current and prior month's meter readings. If you participate in a plan that has Demand (kW) charges, the maximum billable demand for the billing period will display.

This section features a table that includes the number of billing period days, daily usage (in kWh), daily costs and average daily temperatures for the current, last and the same billing month last year.

The energy bar graph displays up to 36 months of usage (kWh) history. If you participate in a plan that has Demand (kW) charges, an additional graph with 36 months of demand history will also be displayed.

This section includes your service address and rate plan. The plan noted is the price plan used to calculate your bill.
Bill terms
Use this guide to help you understand the terms that appear on your bill:
- Monthly service charge: A fixed monthly charge covers the costs for billing, collections, metering, customer services and distribution facilities.
- Energy charge: A variable charge to cover the cost of buying or producing the electricity consumed during the billing period. This charge also covers the cost of supplying necessary transmission, generation and distribution capacity to meet customer energy needs. The charge varies by customer each month based on the amount of energy consumed. Energy is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
- Demand: A measure of the maximum rate at which electricity is being used during the billing period. Demand is measured in kilowatts (kW).
- Demand charge: Covers some of the costs of supplying transmission and distribution capacity to meet customers’ energy demand. The transmission system includes the towers and high-voltage lines that transmit electricity from power plants to the distribution system. The distribution system includes the lower-voltage power lines and poles (or underground power lines) and transformers that connect your service to the transmission system. The charge varies by customer each month based on the demand placed on the system. For General Service plans, only demands greater than 5 kW are subject to this charge.
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