Learn about the grid and SRP’s future plans
For over a century, SRP has focused on innovative solutions to meet the Valley’s ever-changing water and power needs. Today, we’re incorporating advanced technology that lets you monitor your energy use and helps our energy grid work smarter.
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A smarter, more agile energy grid
Ensuring the Valley’s energy future remains reliable will require SRP’s energy experts, our communities and our customers to all work together. One of the foundational focus areas that will get us there is a smart energy grid.
What’s a smart grid? Today’s enhanced, more efficient grid features two-way communication technology. This enables you to do things like check your energy use on a daily basis through SRP My Account™ or the SRP Power app™.
To make our grid more resilient, efficient and secure, we’re building a robust energy system using the latest technology available. At the same time, we’re developing innovative solutions that can be used in the years to come. Many of these infrastructure upgrades give us access to real-time data, helping us prevent outages and restore power faster when outages do occur. Advanced grid technology strengthens our cybersecurity and gives SRP the ability to better integrate renewable sources, such as wind and solar.
What an advanced grid means for you
Evolving the grid involves modern technological upgrades to the current power grid. Using two-way communication, we can incorporate energy from many different sources and improve power quality for customers like you.
Download SRP's grid performance report.
This new system of communication also allows SRP to anticipate increased energy demand so we can better plan for a reliable power system.
Energy efficiency at home
Through advances in metering technology, SRP customers are being given greater insight into their daily energy use. This data, made readily available through the SRP My Account app, empowers customers to take control of their energy use and manage their energy costs. But that's only the beginning.
It also allows us to restore power more quickly after an outage, cutting back on long troubleshooting visits at various outage locations. This means lower fuel costs and less emissions from driving.
Renewable energy integration
New sources of renewable energy, like solar and wind, are joining SRP's portfolio of power generation. The integrated grid will balance the renewable sources of energy with more-traditional generation sources to ensure a steady, reliable stream of energy to SRP residential and commercial customers.
Future economic opportunity
The evolving grid improves our ability to serve future economic development, like the expansion of high-tech industries and data warehouses in the Valley. The improved power reliability and expanded variety of energy sources helps to ensure future power system growth, continuing to fuel economic expansion in metropolitan Phoenix.
The next-generation energy grid will also give you more control over the way you use power. Through SRP My Account, you already have more access to information about your daily energy use than ever before, making it easier to find new ways to be more efficient and lower your costs. As grid innovations continue to take place, more personalized information about your energy use can help you save even more.
Whether it’s shrinking our carbon footprint or conserving Arizona’s water, SRP is committed to doing our part to make a more sustainable Arizona a reality.
Enabling solar farms and rooftop solar
Solar power in Arizona just makes sense. More and more of our customers are adding solar panels to their homes, and SRP is developing over 1,500 megawatts (MW) of additional large-scale solar. Once online, these assets will push our total solar energy to more than 2,025 MW — enough to power 450,000 average-size homes. Expanding our mix of renewable energy sources requires a smarter, more agile grid — one that can deliver reliable power when and where our customers need it most. Explore solar at SRP.
Planning for the future
When creating a roadmap for the future, SRP considers many factors. The innovative planning process being pioneered at SRP is called Integrated System Planning, which has three overarching objectives:
- Create a plan to grow SRP's energy generation through 2035.
- Continue keeping costs affordable for our customers.
- Meet or perform better than our 2035 Sustainability Goals.
With this integrated, holistic approach, SRP is developing a roadmap for how to build the grid of the future. Looking through the lenses of sustainability, reliability and affordability, we’re developing a blueprint for the future power system through 2035 that includes how we generate, transmit and distribute energy. We are working together with outside stakeholders, including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), utility leaders, community leaders, customers and environmental groups, to create this vision and meet the evolving needs of our communities so that we’re prepared to serve the Valley for another 100 years.