Forward Together
SRP has a vision for the future — and a plan.
Building a modernized, reliable grid

Reliable. Affordable. Sustainable.
As we shift to more renewable generation resources, ensuring the power you use remains reliable and affordable is key.
No. 1 in reliability in the Southwest*
Delivering reliable power for you and your family is our top priority.
*For electric utilities with over 500,000 customers in the Southwest.
Source: 2022 SAIDI, per EIA.gov.

Conserving the Valley's water and power

Water for the Next Century
SRP is working with our customers and cities to conserve water. By 2035, we’re aiming to conserve 5 billion gallons of water.
Underground Water Banking/Recharging
SRP uses underground aquifers to help prepare for drought. Since 1994, we've banked over 17 Saguaro Lakes worth of water below the surface.
More Energy for Tomorrow
Through programs and rebates, our customers saved over 611,000 MWh of energy in 2022. That’s enough to power 44,000 average homes for a year.
A More Resilient Water Supply
The SRP Healthy Forest Initiative™ strategically thins Arizona’s overgrown forests to prevent wildfires and reduce the amount of residual debris that enters our water supply.

Innovating to protect our future

Developing Smarter Grids and Homes
We’re researching and deploying energy-saving technologies for your home and our entire system at SRP's Innovation Test Center.
University Research Partnerships
For more than 40 years, we’ve worked with the state’s top universities to drive innovation. We currently have strategic partnerships with ASU, UArizona and NAU.
EV Adoption
Electricity is the fuel of the future, and we are steadily driving toward decarbonizing our roadways. Last year, we supported the enablement of almost 30,000 new EVs within SRP territory.
Take a closer look
Watch the videos below to see how we're shaping a sustainable water and energy future for the Valley.