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Annual Shareholder Compensation Program

Salt River Valley Water Users' Association (the Association) shareholders may be entitled to compensation for a portion of the amount paid to Arizona Public Service Company (APS) for electricity each year.

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    Submitting an application

    1. Applications can be submitted online or via mail. Shareholders may request a printed application when it becomes available.
    2. Important: All 2023 Shareholder Compensation Program applications must be received by SRP on or before 5 p.m. Sept. 2, 2024. No late applications will be accepted.
    3. The application must be completed and signed by the property owner or, if the owner is a trust, by the trustee. Trust documents must be provided if the property is held in a trust.
    4. For support or questions, call SRP customer service at (602) 236-8888(602) 236-8888.

    Verify property eligibility

    You must be the owner of the eligible land. If the owner is a trust, it must be completed and signed by the trustees.

    Renters are not eligible for this program.
    Invalid APN. Example: 999-99-999 or 999-99-999-a.

    The APN can be found on the Maricopa County Assessor website, your deed or property tax statement. Example: 999-99-999 or 999-99-999-a

    Property address Open tooltip to learn more.

    Address is required.
    City is required.
    State is required.
    ZIP code is required.
    Remainder of application can be submitted after eligibility has been verified.

    Is the property held in a trust?

    Summary of eligibility and application requirements

    • The program is for APS customers who own and occupy a residence within the Salt River Reservoir District (SRRD), which is managed by SRP.
    • Enrollment in the compensation program is not automatic.
    • To qualify for compensation, a shareholder must submit an application and demonstrate eligibility each year.
    • Note: The program is annual, and each program year is for the previous year (e.g., in 2024, you apply for the 2023 program year).

    Applicant checklist

    • You owned property within the SRRD during the program year, making you an Association shareholder; and
    • You receive your electricity from APS under a qualifying non-experimental residential electric service rate; and
    • You paid APS at least 15% more than you would have paid to SRP for the same amount of residential electricity used at the property during the program year; and
    • During the program year, you lived at and occupied the residence, or your immediate relative lived at and occupied the residence without payment of rent.

    Eligibility, including occupancy by particular shareholders (including religious institutions and trusts), is determined under the Rules and Regulations for the Shareholder Compensation Program.

    About the program

    The compensation program dates back to a 1928 Association shareholder election, at which shareholders approved a lien on shareholder lands to secure a bond issue used to construct a dam with power generation facilities.

    The program was implemented to ensure that all shareholders, including those served electricity for residential use by a public service corporation, benefit from the dam.

    How the application process works

    The Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) conducts an annual compensation program if rate differentials make it appropriate.

    Each year, typically in the spring, SRP mails letters to every APS customer in the SRP service territory who annually pay at least 15% more to APS than they would have paid to SRP for the same amount of electricity. Each compensation program has a 90-day application period.

    Important things to remember

    • SRP and APS collaborate to identify possible eligible Association shareholders.
    • SRP attempts to contact all eligible Association shareholders according to APS mailing records, though changes in property ownership and occupancy may impact those efforts.
    • If you request the Rules and Regulations for the Shareholder Compensation Program, they will be sent to you by mail.

    Getting your compensation check

    If you are owed compensation, you will receive a letter and compensation via a mailed check within six months of submitting your application and any supporting documents requested by SRP. If SRP determines that you are not eligible, or that compensation is otherwise not due, you will receive a letter within the same timeframe.