High-tech Interconnect Project (HIP)
See how new infrastructure will meet the increased demands of the Intel expansion.
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About the project
On December 16, 2021, The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) voted unanimously to approve a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) for the High-Tech Interconnection Project (HIP). Construction began in January 2022 on a new 230-kV substation on Intel’s campus, as well as new 230-kV transmission lines connecting the campus to two existing substations. See details.
SRP worked with the City of Chandler and Intel on the High-Tech Interconnect Project (HIP). The transmission project will provide reliable power to the recently announced $20 billion expansion of Intel’s Chandler campus. The Intel expansion is reported to be the largest private investment in Arizona's history and will be a major economic boost for Chandler, the region and the state, providing thousands of new high-paying jobs. Read press release.
SRP worked with the City of Chandler to meet the City’s preference to underground a significant portion of the transmission line, address conflicts with existing underground utilities, and ensure technical feasibility of the underground segments. The remaining overhead segments are located within areas that already have overhead transmission facilities or are commercial in nature. The underground portion of the route was approved between SRP and the City of Chandler, with the City paying for the incremental cost of undergrounding.
The Intel expansion will require SRP to build a new 230-kilovolt (kV) substation on Intel’s campus as well as new 230 kV transmission lines connecting the campus to two existing substations.
Overhead line: SRP is constructing a new 230 kV line to serve the Intel campus. The approximately 3-mile line will run along Old Price Road and onto the Intel property (see map below). SRP crews installed the foundations and poles, and line crews are in the process of pulling new conductor.
The 230 kV line will require approximately thirty-nine (39) tubular steel structures over the 3-mile line. The structures range from 90 to 180 feet tall.
Underground line: SRP is constructing a new 230 kV underground line to serve the Intel campus. The 230 kV underground line will be installed on the Intel campus and Chaparral Way. SRP hired a contractor to install the 230 kV underground line.
This project is now online.
Project map

Construction activity
Please note this schedule remains subject to change.
- October 2022–April 2023: 230 kV transmission foundation and overhead line construction
- November 2022–April 2023: 230 kV underground line on Intel Campus and along Chaparral Way
- Mid-March 2023: 230 kV underground work on Chaparral Way near Lake Drive
- January–Mid-May 2023: 230 kV underground line Alma School Road
- February–October 2023: 230kV underground line Chandler Heights
- June–October 2023: 230 kV underground line Union Pacific rights-of-way (includes work near Schrader Substation, non-UPRR ROW)
- June–July 2023: 230 kV underground line on Lake Drive and at Alma School Road/Lake Drive intersection
- October–March 2024: Installation of 230 kV underground cable
- March-April 2024: Install slurry seal and permanent striping at Chaparral Way, Lake Drive, Alma School Road and Chandler Heights Road
*Underground construction completed Fall 2023
*Entire project completed Spring 2024
Transmission line structures types
Below are a variety of transmission structure types that will be used for the overhead portions of this project.

How electricity gets to you
News archive
See the latest project news and announcements below.
Virtual Open House
SRP has a virtual open house available that can be viewed on-demand, 24 hours a day.
Watch the videosOnline Open Houses
SRP hosted five live online open houses prior to filing an application with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).
View the presentationSRP Transmission Project Approved by ACC
The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) today voted unanimously to approve a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for the High-Tech Interconnection Project (HIP), a proposed transmission project that will provide reliable power to the recently announced expansion of Intel’s Chandler campus.
Read moreHearings for SRP Application for High-Tech Interconnect Project to Begin on Nov. 8
Salt River Project submitted an application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) for the High-Tech Interconnection Project (HIP), a proposed transmission project that is required to provide reliable power to the recently announced expansion of Intel’s Chandler campus.
Read moreSRP to host next live, online open houses for the High-Tech Interconnect Project in Chandler
Salt River Project (SRP) will host a live, online open house for the public to learn more about the High-Tech Interconnect Project (HIP), a proposed transmission project that is required to provide reliable power to the recently announced expansion of Intel's Chandler campus.
Read moreSRP to host live, online open houses for the High-Tech Interconnect Project in Chandler
Salt River Project (SRP) will host two live, online open houses for the public to learn more about the High-Tech Interconnect Project (HIP), a proposed transmission project that is required to provide reliable power to the recently announced expansion of Intel’s Chandler campus.
Read moreChandler approves agreement to underground portions of a proposed SRP transmission line to support Intel expansion
As part of a proposed transmission line project to provide reliable power to the recently announced Intel expansion, and in an effort to address Chandler’s preference to avoid standard overhead transmission power lines, the Chandler City Council last night approved an agreement with Salt River Project (SRP) to fund the difference between building the lines overhead and the added cost of putting them underground.
Read moreIntel Announcement
Intel announces a substantial expansion of its manufacturing capacity with a $20 billion investment - the largest private sector investment in Arizona history. The investment will lead to the direct creation of 3,000 new high-tech, high-wage jobs and 3,000 construction jobs, while supporting an estimated 15,000 additional indirect jobs in our community.
60 Minutes - Highlight on Chip ShortageIntel Announcement
Read the Intel article featured on chandleraz.govIntel Announcement
Read the Intel article featured on azcentral.comIntel Announcement
Read the press release from the Arizona Commerce AuthorityContact SRP
If you have questions for SRP about the project, please call (602) 236-2872(602) 236-2872.
For more information about the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility process, please visit the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) website.