High-Tech Interconnect Project (HIP) CEC filing
On Sept. 28, 2021, SRP filed an application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).
On this page:
Certificate of Environmental Compatibility
All documents filed with the ACC related to the High-Tech Interconnect Project (HIP) are available on the ACC eDocket website.
Download the CEC
- Introduction
- CEC application
- Exhibit A: Project Location and Land Use
- Exhibit B: Environmental Studies
- Exhibit C: Areas of Biological Wealth
- Exhibit D: Biological Resources
- Exhibit E: Scenic Areas, Historic Sites and Structures, Archaeological Sites
- Exhibit F: Recreational Purposes and Aspects
- Exhibit G: Concepts of Typical Facilities
- Exhibit H: Existing Plans
- Exhibit I: Noise Emissions and Communication Interference
- Exhibit J: Special Factors
Additional documents filed with the ACC relating to SRP's application:
- Notice of Hearing
- Prefiling Conference Transcript
- Prefiling Exhibit 1
- Prefiling Exhibit 2
- Prefiling Exhibit 3
- Prefiling Exhibit 4
- Prehearing Exhibit 1 - Publication of NOH
- Prehearing Exhibit 2 - Sign Locations
- Prehearing Exhibit 3 - Proposed CEC
- Prehearing Exhibit 4 - Route Tour
- Nov. 8, 2021 Hearing Transcript
- Nov. 9, 2021 Hearing Transcript
- Nov. 10, 2021 Hearing Transcript
- Dec. 15, 2021 Open Meeting Agenda
- Certificate of Environmental Compatibility