Abel-Pfister-Ball 230kV transmission project
Formerly named the Abel-Moody 230kV transmission project.
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About the project
To meet increased electricity demand and growth, SRP plans to construct an approximately 20-mile, double-circuit, 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission line connecting two SRP-owned and previously sited 230/69kV substation sites. The new transmission line will also connect to a new 230/69kV substation named Pfister that was sited as part of this project.
The 230 kV transmission line will have approximately 161 tubular steel pole structures over the approximately 20-mile project. The structures range from 95 feet to 180 feet tall, with an average structure height of 130 feet. All structures will be installed on pier foundations ranging between 6 and 12 feet in diameter. Steel poles are to be tapered so that the width varies. The pole width is largest at its base near the ground. Pole widths near the ground are estimated to vary between 4 and 10 feet.
This project is now online.
Location and current alignment
View a larger map of each area:
Construction updates
While this project was scheduled to be completed by December 2021, SRP filed an extension with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to delay construction for this approved and permitted transmission line for five years and 15 years for the construction of the associated substation. The extension was approved on October 13, 2020, by the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Transmission line
- Construction: August 2022 – March 2024
- Energization: March 2024
Project need and benefit
This project will support the community in multiple aspects. The Abel-Pfister-Ball 230 kV transmission line is an important project for the Phoenix metro area, specifically the fast-growing southeast Valley, including Queen Creek, Gilbert, south east Mesa and nearby unincorporated communities, that need additional infrastructure to keep pace with current and future electricity demand. The project will reinforce the electrical grid in the area and provide redundancy, which will increase the reliability and performance of SRP’s high-voltage system. The project is also necessary to support new renewable energy projects scheduled to come online to provide SRP’s community with clean, renewable energy.
Public outreach and project history
In April 2008, SRP and its consultant, Transcon Environmental, began the siting study for the proposed Abel-Pfister-Ball 230kV Transmission Project.
SRP and Transcon conducted a comprehensive public outreach process. The project team provided briefings to jurisdictional agencies, convened a Jurisdictional Working Group and held several series of open houses for the public.
- May-June 2008: Stakeholder briefings, Jurisdictional Working Group meetings
- June 24-25, 2008: Public open house meetings
- July-August, 2008: Stakeholder briefings, Jurisdictional Working Group meetings
- Aug. 25-27, 2008: Public open house meetings
- September-October 2008: Stakeholder briefings, Jurisdictional Working Group meetings
- Nov. 12-13, 2008: Public open houses
- Jan. 29, 2009: Public open house
- September 2020: SRP filed a CEC extension application with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)
- October 13, 2020: Extension request reviewed and approved at an open meeting
held at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). View the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (Extension)
- August 2022: Mobilization/preconstruction
- August 2022: Start foundation installation
- October 2022: Start installing structures
- February 2023: Start installing wire
- January 2024: Line in-service
- March 2024: Demobilization/construction complete
- March 2024: Energization
Arizona Corporation Commission grants CEC
On Dec. 15, 2009, the Arizona Corporation Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to confirm the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) for the Abel-Pfister-Ball 230kV line.
View the ACC-approved route here.
Line Siting Committee recommends CEC
On Oct. 21, 2009 the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee recommended that SRP be granted a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) for the Abel-Pfister-Ball 230kV Project, Case # 148. The CEC specifies the placement of the new 230kV line starting near the existing Moody (now Ball) substation site, extending north along the RWCD then southeast along the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), east on Ryan Road then south on Signal Butte Road back to the UPRR, then following the UPRR south to the Magma Railroad into Abel. It also identified the site of the new Pfister substation (formerly named the RS-24 substation), northwest of the Meridian and Combs intersection and south of Queen Creek wash.
The Siting Committee reached its decision after eight days of testimony, discussion and debate.
A transmission substation is an electrical facility that converts high-voltage circuits, such as 230 kV, to low-voltage circuits, such as 69 kV, by using one or more transformers. The substation also monitors and protects each high- and low-voltage circuit, providing operational control to ensure the system is safe, reliable and maintainable.
230kV pole examples
Below are examples of double-circuit 230kV lines with a 69kV underbuild.
Double-circuit 230kV lines with a single-circuit 69kV underbuild. 130-140 feet tall.
Contact us
If you have questions, please call (602) 236-2872(602) 236-2872 or email samantha.horgen@srpnet.com.