![Tobin Substation project](/assets/srpnet/images/hero/water-grid-management/project-hero.jpg)
Tobin Substation project
As part of SRP’s ongoing efforts to provide electrical service to your community, a project is planned to build a new distribution substation and transmission poles at the northwest corner of Meridian and Cloud roads, just north of Combs Road in Queen Creek. The new 69-kilovolt (kV) Tobin Substation will be built on the same allotted land as the future Pfister 230 kV substation.
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About the project
On Dec. 15, 2009, the Arizona Corporation Commission voted to approve the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for the Abel-Pfister-Ball Project, a 20-mile double-circuit 230 kV transmission line connecting two existing substation sites. This overhead line was built and is in service as of March 2024. The 230 kV transmission line will also connect to a new 230/69 kV substation named Pfister that was sited as part of that project; however, Pfister has not been built yet. The Pfister Substation is planned in the future; but current upcoming construction activity will be associated with the new 69 kV substation and new 69 kV poles.
Project components
- New 69 kV substation
- Seven new 69 kV poles on SRP-owned property within the Pfister Substation space
Tobin Substation
A distribution substation is an electrical facility that converts high-voltage circuits, such as 230 kV, to low-voltage circuits, such as 69 kV, by using one or more transformers. The substation also monitors and protects each high- and low-voltage circuit, providing operational control to ensure the system is safe, reliable and maintainable.
*No residential or commercial power interruptions are anticipated with this work.
Preliminary grading work has begun at the site. The substation is planned to be in service by April 2025.
Anticipated Construction Timeline
- December 2024: Grading and prepping site for substation, leveling groundwork
- Late December 2024 - April 2025: Substation construction
- February 2025: New pole foundations installed
- March 2025: New poles and lines installed
- April 2025: 69 kV Tobin Substation and 69 kV line in service
For construction or project updates, please contact (602) 236-2872(602) 236-2872 or 2872line@srpnet.com