SRP public process engagement opportunities
The SRP public process allows the public to provide valuable feedback to the project team prior to SRP filing an application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).
Coolidge Expansion Project Update
Arizona Corporation Commission Votes to Issue Amended Certificate of Environmental Compatibility. Learn more.
Construction Activity
We expect construction activities to commence in the spring of 2024 with the completion and commercial operation of the first six natural gas turbines by June 2026 and completion of the second six no later than June 2027. This schedule includes work on the new 500 kV switchyard, modifications to the existing 230 kV switchyard and transmission lines. All construction will be taking place on SRP-owned land.
Community Working Group (CWG) Meetings: CWG meetings are scheduled to take place on the second Friday of every other month at 9 a.m. Meetings will be held at 911 S. Arizona Blvd. in Coolidge. If the CWG adjusts a meeting date outside of that schedule, it will be highlighted below.
January 10
March 7
May 9
July 11
September 12
November 14
Air permit application
The 30-day public comment period for the air permit application began Oct. 14, 2023, and the public hearing was held Nov. 15, 2023. The Pinal County Air Quality District issued the air permit on March 26, 2024.
Public hearings
The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) approved SRP’s application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) on June 21, 2023.
The CEP enables SRP to meet the significant and increasing near-term energy needs in its service territory, which is located in one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation. In addition, the CEP will allow SRP to add more renewable resources while maintaining the reliability of the power grid. The CEP will include construction of up to 575 megawatts (MW) of new power generation produced by 12 gas turbines and will leverage the existing Coolidge Generating Station site and infrastructure, located near the intersection of Randolph Road and South Arizona Boulevard.
A PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD before the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee regarding the Application authorizing construction of the CEP from Feb. 7, 2022, through Feb. 16, 2022.
The ACC heard public comment on the Coolidge Expansion Project on March 15, 2022, during the regularly scheduled Open Meeting. To see the video, visit azcc.gov/live under Open Meetings Archives 2022.
Background and public engagement
Learn more about the needs and benefits of the Coolidge Expansion Project as well as the public process by watching the videos below.
Live online open houses
SRP hosted four live online open house meetings on Oct. 20 and 21, 2021. The same information was shared at each of the live online open houses. See the presentation.
In-person open houses
SRP hosted live in-person open house meetings on Nov. 3, 2021, in Casa Grande and on Dec. 9, 2021, in Coolidge.